Monday, September 30, 2019

The Ambition in Nursing: Individual Growth and Development towards Providing Quality

The nursing health care system is as an integral part of the society as any other sectors promoting human development. The nursing profession has attended to the health care needs of the people for many years already. It is a profession which has endured many challenges, and progressed into an institutionalized sector in the health care system dedicated to commit and serve the society’s need. It is a profession embedded in the principles of dedication, care, and professionalism. However, as challenges persist in the nursing work force around the world, this has posed a serious challenge in the role of the nursing profession.Fagerberg (2002) stated in his study that the metaphor of nursing care is entailed in a woven fabric. The goal of nursing professionals is to create a role which is for the people’s health, rather than the entire health system. Nursing care entails the ambition of nursing to promote a need for consistent and clear statement of concern for patients. O ne of the pressing problems in the health care sector is the volatile supply and increasing demands for professional nurses as mentioned by Grene and Puetzer (2002).Different strategies have aimed to entice new nurses in the profession, and retain and support them in the delivery of high patient-care. As Grene and Puetzer (2002) mentioned, their lies a difficulty in the health care system to promote nursing as a future profession. The current nursing crisis has also developed a dilemma by which led some nurses towards another career because of disillusionment, and because they do not feel valued for their hard work. The crisis in the nursing profession must work on developing a new paradigm wherein opportunities and presented, and need of the nurses are met. Ambition in NursingCurtin (2001) describes ambition and integrity with significant influence of with and wisdom. For nursing professionals wanting to develop in the field, ambition governs their passion and desire to succeed and achieve. The motivation to attain an ambition can constitute various reasons depending on the subjective views of a nurse. However, in this paper, we briefly describe how the idea of succeeding one’s ambition must be attuned with attaining a character with integrity. Nurses who are essentially in the profession to succeed must realize the essence of the process, rather than the ultimate gain at the end.Having ambition in nursing must not be disillusioned with the current and persisting challenges of the profession. Some nurses have become discouraged over the fact that in real-life context, their idea of nursing while they were still studying becomes suddenly buried when they realize the problems they dealing. Some simply has become disillusioned and starts to find a new career path, others simply gets dismayed and lose the encouragement of growing as part of the health care system. Ambition is for personal gain.Nurses are faced with the difficulty to maintain as promoters o f moral leadership because of problem inherent in the system within they work. Hamric (1991) argues that repeated exposure of nurses in the insensitive and sometimes even immoral behaviors may influence a nurse’s personal conscience. Psychological pressures can greatly influence a nurse’s motivation to pursue his or her own ambition. Nash (1990) adds that existing problems in the health care system can also subvert good intentions and goals of an individual.Rognstad, Aasland, and Granum (2004) concluded in their recent study about the future career option of nursing students that 80% of their respondents regard getting their bachelors degree as a basis for building on a further education. Motives of the respondents were also measured through the variables human contact, helping others, and job security was significantly considered. Among the respondents who emphasized this ambition in graduating with a degree is shown to be less interested in giving care and help to ot hers. In the study, the authors were able to analyze and confirm this attitude through in-depth interviews.In another study, authors Ingersoll et al. (2002) determined the characteristics of New York nursing work force to assess their level of job satisfaction and commitment in their setting. Brought by the demands of the challenges surrounding the nursing profession, investigations have suggested the high dissatisfaction of nurses in the health care environment and their likelihood of leaving their profession. In the study, respondents of the study indicate that personal, organizational characteristics and commitment have contributed to their intent of pursuing their nursing ambition in a span of 1 to five years more.Also shown in this study is the intent of satisfied and committed nurses to leave within the next five years. Findings of this investigation suggest the organizational environment, educational preparation, and personal characteristics of currently employed registered n urses affect their current job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and plans for continuing as a nurse Ingersoll et al. (2002). The impeding challenges in the nursing health care system is bringing more nurses into a dilemma to stay committed and dedicated in pursuing their individual career ambitions.As nursing shortage and retention has lead to several nurses option to leave the profession, the system must encourage the new blood of younger generation nurses to pursue their options in the field. Several factors contributing to their commitment and dedication in the field is due to the inability of the system to promote individual development. Lack of opportunity and options or nurses also makes them vulnerable and makes them rethink of their options. Nursing must address the need of the system to uphold individual development and growth, along with providing quality health care and meeting the increasing demand.Changes have progressively developed strategies, and hopefully so on it will motivate nurses to pursue their ambition in the field. References: Curtin L. (2001). Preserving your integrity while building your career. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 25 (2), pp. 1-4. Fagerberg, A. M. (2002). The woven fabric – a metaphor of nursing care: the major subject in nursing education. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 16 (2), pp. 115-21. Grene, Maureen T. ; Puetzer, Mary (2002). The Value of Mentoring: A Strategic Approach to Retention and Recruitment. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 17 (1), p67-75. Hamric, Ann (1999).The Nurse as Moral Agent in Modern Health Care. Nursing Outlook, 47 (3), p. 106. Ingersoll G. L. , Olsan T, Drew-Cates, J. , DeVinney, B. C. , and Davies, J. (2002). Nurses' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and career intent. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 32 (5), pp. 250-63. Nash, Lauren (1990). Good Intentions Aside: A Manager’s Guide to Resolving Ethical Problems. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rognstad, M. K. , Aasland, O. , and Granum, V. (2004). How do nursing students regard their future career? Career preferences in the post-modern society. Nurse Education Today 24 (7), pp. 493-500.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Post Facto Research

1. What is the meaning of research? There are various definitions of research. According to John . W. Best, research is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories and concepts, resulting in prediction for seeing and possibly ultimate control of events. On the other hand, Clifford Woody defined research as a careful enquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something. Furthermore, Mouley defined research as a process of arriving at dependable solution to the problems through the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. According to Martyn Shuttleworth (Oct 3, 2008), in the broadest sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Kothari (2002) described research as a systematic investigation to find solution to a problem. 2. What is the importance of research? Research is very much beneficial to everyone in the society. According to Ayesha Afsar, research is important because it gives direction to deal with a specific problem. Whether the problem is thoroughly solved or not is not the forte of the research work. Accumulating amicable and all the possible solutions hypothetically are in itself considered a commendable achievement. Moreover, as stated by Michelle Lowe, research can help us to explore education and the education process. It can help us to answer questions about learning and teaching. Prince Samuels also added that research is very vital to our everyday decision making. It arms us from wrong information and save time and money. It is important to our success as we take on life's challenges and career decisions making. Furthermore, Joe Gilbert stated that research is important when conducted correctly because it helps us to understand and possibly even solve existing or possible problems in the world. This could be anything from social issues to medical breakthroughs. Governments carry out research all of the time in order to come to conclusions about policies and strategies. They will often choose experts in the particular field to go out and carry out in-depth research to help them out. Without this research and knowledge, it would be difficult to make a change in the world. It would also mean that changes wouldn't be fully considered which could result in bigger problems in the long run. 3. What are the kinds of research? As emphasized by C. R. Kothari, the following are the different kinds of research: Basic Research deals with the formulation of theory; gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is ‘pure’ or ‘basic’ research; pure research is â€Å"research made without any idea of application to industrial matters but solely with the view of extending our knowledge of the Laws of Nature. † * Applied {action} Research focuses at finding a solution for immediate problem; helps in discovering a solution for some pressing practical problem; is the application of knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields [pure research] to solving practical problems Descriptive/ex post facto research includes survey facts finding inquires it focuses on two aspects: {a}What has happened? {b}What is happening? * Correlational research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation. * Explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects or a phenomenon. Exploratory research is undertaken to explore an area where a little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study {feasibility/ pilot study}. It is the development of hypothesis rather than their testing. Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies Historical research is the type of research that examines past events or combinations of events to arrive at an account of what has happened in the past. * Experimental research is defined essentially as research in which the causal (independent) variable(s) can be manipulated in order to change an effect Because of this element of manipulation, researchers in using experimental methods are expected to maintain a good degree of control throughout the period of the study to establish with confidence that cause and effect occurred. (Dr. Anthony G. Picciano) * Constructive research is mainly done by many technological corporates in order to find new/alternative solutions to any particular crisis or problems. For example-renewable energy research or development of the capacity of optical fiber may fall into this category of research. * Empirical research is very impressive observational type of research, where one observes or test on real-life data or analysis the pattern of some specific events in order to identify the nature or the class of trend that specific phenomenon maintains. Based on the test result, researchers try to draw lines in order to predict the result of that type of incidents with certain level of confidence. 4. What are the characteristics of research? According to Ranjit Kumar, the following are the characteristics of research: * Empirical. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher. * Logical. Research is based on valid procedures and principles. * Cyclical. Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends with a problem. Analytical. Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, experimental and case study. * Critical. Research exhibits careful and precise judgment. * Methodical. Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using systematic method and procedures. * Replicability. The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Compare and Contrast - Essay Example ue sense of the word whichever way it is interpreted, the Prioress is the medieval feminine ideal, soft-hearted almost to a fault and academically well-educated. These differences can be easily determined as early as the general prologue as each character is described. The Prioress is shown to be the ideal by the positive statements made of her and her pleasing physical appearance while the Wife of Bath is described with a much less pleasing appearance and behaviors that match. The Prioress is described as possessing all of the attributes a man was supposed to look for in a woman in Chaucer’s time. She was â€Å"smiling, modest was and coy† (General Prologue, The Prioress, 2). She could sing well in the proper way, speak French fluently, had excellent manners so that â€Å"never from her lips let morsels fall, / Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce† (General Prologue, The Prioress, 11-12), was pleasant to be around in any company and was charitable almost to a fault. Physically, she is given attractive attributes such as a fine nose, bright blue eyes, a small red mouth and a fair forehead. Chaucer tells his reader, â€Å"truth to tell, she was not undergrown† (General Prologue, The Prioress, 39), indicating a pleasant figure that men are not supposed to notice in that way when looking at a nun. Her clothing is neat and is well-maintained as would be expected of a lady high born. The Wife of Bath, on the other hand, immediately breaks the rules of true womanhood by being involved in commerce as a highly skilled seamstress. This vocation not only makes her lowly because she works for a living, but because she is in charge of her income, something that a true woman in medieval times would never dream of wanting. Despite this talent, or perhaps because of it, her behavior is also that of a course, undesirable woman. She tells lewd tales, has been married at least five times and has countless other lovers besides who are only hinted at with the comment that

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fire Fighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fire Fighting - Essay Example Thirdly, Madrzykowski explores fire dynamics and discusses different case studies on fire dynamics. He brings forth different fire scenarios and how development and progression of fire are influenced by different factors. For instance, ventilation influences the progression of the fire. In a closed compartment, heated gases mix with oxygen resulting in a flaming combustion. However, as the oxygen gets depleted, the fire decays. The heat emitted from the fire decreases and consequently the temperature decreases. When oxygen is introduced into the compartment, either through the opening of a window or a door, the heated gases mix with the oxygen and as a result, the energy levels begin to rise. Such a change in ventilation can lead to a flashover. Lastly, Alkonis and Madrzykowski discuss training on fire behavior and organizational change in the management of fires. To enhance safety and survivability, they recommend the application of water as soon as possible, limiting the opening of doors and windows, closing all doors and windows, identification of fire location, extent and characteristics of the smoke as well as identifying and interrupting the flow path. Importantly, the process of firefighting needs to be a well-coordinated effort with proper communication among team members (Kerber, Madrzykowski, & Alkonis, 2015). In summary, NIST and UL’s research has revolutionized firefighting and introduced change in modern day fire service. Undoubtedly, the changes are likely to stay for generations to come.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing Operations and the Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing Operations and the Supply Chain - Essay Example In quality improvement teams, employees from the same department, division, or team of the organization brainstorm to identify a list of problems to resolve. The advantage of this approach is that the employees characteristically have the best view of their work environment and associated problems and can develop ideas to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The drawback to this is that the problems chosen by the group may or may not contribute to the Tower Records overall goals. Tower Records with a focused success paradigm can multiply the return on its investment for its quality efforts over an organization without a clear vision. With the myriad of problems any given group can identify, it is important that resources be allocated for problem solving that can contribute positively to the successful implementation of Tower Records strategy. Based on such considerations, it is evident that the need for specific criteria and models to verify the quality fit between the Tower Records and the business atmosphere in that it operates, and to effectively and efficiently manages the relationships among the actors within the network. Such relationships, in fact, are characterised by many-to-many connections instead of more traditional one-to-one. For that reason, a deep revision of current managerial techniques is dramatically requested. Regardless of huge number of works on this subject, (Harland et al., 2001; Lamming et al., 2000), reliable criteria for the analysis and the evaluation of Tower Records networks, based on the relationships among economic actors interconnected through Internet, are not yet available. Accordingly, managers usually operate according to empirical methodologies that often do not assure optimal quality performances. In order to contribute towards the solution of such a problem, preliminarily examined factors that mostly affect the Tower Records quality performances. It may be assumed that effectiveness and efficiency of Tower Records depend on the coherence between the characteristics of the atmosphere in that the embedded actors operate and the way in that relationships among embedded actors are managed. The management of such relationships, consecutively, is based on the following three factors (Cucchiella et al., 2002): The structures adopted to organize the relationships among the actors of the network (Tower Records organisational structures). The criteria adopted to manage such relationships (managerial criteria); and The activities to be carried out for coordinating the relationships (critical activities). With respect to the Tower Records organisational structures, Tapscott et al. (2000) define five types of b-web adopted to manage relationships among embedded actors based on the level of product-service value integration (high vs. low) and control type: Agora, Aggregation, Value chain, Alliance, and Distributive network. According to Nkkentved (2000), the managerial criteria may be instead, defined on the basis of two variables, the market fragmentation and the product/process complexity. Consequently, six types of criteria may be identified: Auction house; Independent

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Law Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Law Final Exam - Assignment Example This was an interference with prospective contractual relationship. Business usually come up with many schemes for attracting customers, which is a good, part of competition, however it is usually a tort when a business endeavors to improve its place in the market by interfering with another business in an improper and unreasonable way. E-Z acted in an unreasonable and improper way towards Extracto. The court can find proper interference in this case. The existence of an underlying contract is not needed for this tort; however, Emo can show intentional and improper interference by E-Z that prevents the formation of contract between him and a third party- Extracto. Interference with another person contractual relation is tortuous if there is a reasonable likelihood and probability that a contract would have resulted. If Elmo sued Jo and E-Z based on the lies, he would base his claim on theory of tortious interference also known as intentional interference with contractual relation. Th is theory states that improperly interfering with the performance of a contract is a tort. To recover under this theory, Elmo should show that Jo and E-Z acted inappropriately and with no privilege, acted deliberately and with wickedness with the intention to harm-to cost him the job with Extracto, to induce a third party (Extracto) not to go into a business relationship him and caused him financial injury. If Elmo sues Jo over the ad, he would be suing for compensation of damages because of fraudulent or intentional misrepresentation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Play represents Asia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Play represents Asia - Assignment Example This paper will argue that the play Bicycle by O Tae-sok provides the audience with a unique image of Korea that consists of a number of unusual as well as traditional elements. To begin with, one should define the concept of representation of Asia. It would not be a mistake to point out that this region is extremely vast an diverse; so, a detailed explanation is needed. This particular play represents Korea: a country which has retained some of its traditional ways of life, but has been following a socially accepted paradigm of development for a long time. Indeed, the piece of art in question might be viewed as a metaphor reflection into the past (Lee 211). In addition to that, the historical accuracy is what really makes this play moving (O 4). Thus, one is able to conclude that representation of a particular part of Asia is based on two elements: depiction of traditional elements of culture as well as representation of aspects of social order. The uniqueness of topic that will be discussed is apparent from the very first lines of the play: it puts great emphasis on the notion of duty in the Korean society. There are several examples that might prove it. Thus, the main character has a relative who have survived a horrible fire and considers himself to be guilty of his luck. However, unlike Europeans who would celebrate this, every year he cuts his face, reminding himself that his compatriots died at the hands of the enemy, but he survived. A similar focus on the social duty is seen later in the text when the main character confesses turning in his friend to police because he practiced medicine without license and had almost no knowledge about the topic. The dichotomy between friendship and duty is easily resolved in the Asian society in favor of the latter. Another point which shows a peculiar world of Asia focuses on the important place that is occupied by the bureaucrats in the society. To begin with, one should note

Monday, September 23, 2019

Adult learning and development perspectives from educational Essay

Adult learning and development perspectives from educational psychology - Essay Example Educational psychologists have discovered individual differences that start from the learning and development of children from schooling and end at their adolescence. Researchers have not only studied various behaviours of children but also analyzed and evaluated them by measuring their attitudes, testing their capabilities Educational psychologists believe that although adult learning and development are lifelong processes, but it is also unskeptical that the initial education and learning styles are those factors that depends entirely upon the values and morals which a child learn from its schooling environment.Adult educational psychology is concerned with the scientific methodology of learning styles of activities and developmental processes, which further results in the instructional practices and follow ups that promote learning and development not only restricted to educational aspects but also in other fields of adult growth throughout their development of adulthood. In this sense adult educational psychology has proved to be very beneficial and helpful, as it requires the use of latest technical methodologies, which helps the parents as well as teachers to understand about various complexities of adults' lives, which often the adults' tend to hide. Furthermore, adult educational psychology requires a more interdisciplinary approach that is not limited to the boundaries of traditional child-centered educational psychology as adults learn and develop from and within across multiple, interacting circumstances. Adults continue to learn throughout their lives irrespective of being in any environment, whatsoever be the circumstances and background. Theoretical Perspectives Technology has transformed everything in this new era towards perfection and betterment of life style. All these changes are reflected in the attitude of today's generation, but how Adult learning is subjected towards change as they adopt and they must adopt new changes easily and conveniently. So, adults are subjected to learning or development The main bone of contention here lies in the distinction between the issues of "learning" and "development". Learning and development can be molded in the form of "developing" and "non developing" processes. Theoretical vs. Methodological Perspective Developing learning can be referred to as the learning style followed by clear and achievable dimensions with such findings that support the formality of collaborative adult learning. Theoretical perspective awakes the need to follow traditional theories of learning and development without any modification to the conventional methods whereas methodological learning identifies the complexities of developmental learning leading to conventional methods which not only focus on individuals, whereas authentic learning

Sunday, September 22, 2019

James Bond personality Essay Example for Free

James Bond personality Essay Film making involves the cooperation of diverse persons with dissimilar attitude. Often these attitudes are employed so as to bring the best out of the involved characters handling distinct roles. For instance, James Bond the legendary tough boy is often depicted as a lethal, quick and strong in nature despite his instinct of picking his subjects. Therefore, by attempting to evaluate Bonds character clinically, it would be instrumental to assert that, the diverse tools employed to diagnose an individual antisocial inclination may not provide the real picture of this fictional character. Basically, it would be pivotal to underline the fact that, individuals who defined as psychopaths are known to prey on others using crude and unfriendly manners which may include: low conscience, limited empathy or lack of it, pathological cheating as well as abuse of social norms including disregard for the established public laws among others. Thus, looking at the character of James Bond, it is apparent that he exhibits none of the mentioned deficiencies (Cleckley, 1982). Due to that observation, I am convinced that, James Bond is a creation of destiny, this can be attributed to the fact that, the way he carries himself or as he is seen through motion pictures and novels, he is more often depicted as a reserved individual who is not bent on committing crime or going against the law, but rather he is typically as a carefree hero who is in one way or the other is an extrovert. On a clinical approach he fails to qualify as a psychopath. For instance, if he could be placed under Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) a formidable diagnostic tool typically employed to rate an individuals psychopathic or antisocial inclinations. Placing the James Bond personal clinical analysis under this tool, it would be pivotal to unearth the fact that, his degree of psychopathy would be significantly lower than that of any common psychopath. From a clinical perspective, psychopaths are known to exhibit such symptoms as shallow emotions as well as a history of victim izing other people of which James bond do not exhibit. By using this checklist developed by Robert Hare, it would be paramount to accept that, the diagnosis or the clinical evaluation intended can be negative, note that, the usage of this checklist by diverse health and correctional professional when handling such individuals who may have succumbed to crime and sex offending. Thus by examining the laid down scope of dealing with psychopaths, it is vital to understand that, when diagnosing an individual as a psychopath, one has to know that this is a very serious procedure (Bartol,et al,2005). This is due to the fact that, this whole process may end up creating either highly positive or disastrous implications to the individual, friends as well as his or her family despite that, the consequence may as well upset the future clinical and equally forensic examinations. Therefore, if the clinical evaluations pertaining to James Bond are to be carried under the Hare PCL-R diagnostic tool which holds two parts involving a semi structured interview and an analysis of the individual’s files and records. This procedure involves scoring at least 20 elements that are employed to measure the key psychopathic traits. In essence these factors are designed to cover the diverse nature of the involved individual interpersonal relationship, his or her sentimental or expressive participation; reactions to other individuals and to circumstances; proof of collective deviance; and everyday life. The elements thus envelop two essential features that help characterize the psychopath: self-centred and unsympathetic persecution of other people, and an unsound and unsociable lifestyle (Hicks, et al, 2006). Some of the twenty attributes evaluated by the PCL-R score include: †¢ ostentatious opinion of self †¢ pathological lying †¢ shrewd and manipulativeness †¢ lack of regret or responsibility †¢ shallow emotional reaction †¢ pitilessness and lack of compassion †¢ parasitic way of life †¢ pitiable behavioural controls †¢ sexual promiscuity †¢ lack of realistic long-term goals †¢ carelessness †¢ juvenile misbehaviour †¢ criminal adaptability The interrogation part of the assessment covers the individual’s surroundings, as well as such factors as occupation and academic history; matrimonial and family position; and scandalous background. Since psychopaths lie regularly and effortlessly, the data they give must be established by an appraisal of the credentials in the individual’s case account. Going by the way James Bond carries himself, it would crucial to assert that, even if compelled to undertake this test, his traits do not qualify him to be declared as a psychopath. Thus, it would be likely that, under the PCL-R score, James Bond would score a zero, while under this process a prototype psychopath acquires a maximum score of over 40,while those individuals with no psychopathic elements or traits gets zero score (Haycock,2010). James Bond as is depicted in both the novels and the film, he is a military intelligence specialist, as a unique individual, more than often he is presented as a character of sound mind   as well as having a strong spirit. Exploring his past, it is apparent that he lost both of his parents while at the tender age of 11 years. Despite this sad twist of his life, subsequently he lost his only surviving relative in his early teenage period. Just like most of those individuals who have lost their parents or guardians in their youth, too, Bond has equally similar abandonment surroundings. This perhaps reflects why he is seen as an individual who rarely makes long lasting liaisons with both men and women. Though in some instances he is quoted as having mentioned having fallen in love, he maintains no friendship. More so, though, he professes restricted memories of his early formative years as a youth in Europe, he is note remorse, but profoundly lives and enjoys his present social status (Holmes,et al,1988). However, from a close examination of his personal convictions, he has only minor thoughts or vague thoughts about old age and retirement and this does not qualify him to be a psychopath.   Reflecting on the profound behaviors   and attitudes of most psychopaths, it would instrumental to assert that, Bond have so strongly exposed his character which cannot be defined as antisocial. Naturally, no individual is perfect, hence Bond as a human being has his share of weaknesses, for instance, he does not fear death, and is solitary. Another, predominant element apparent in Bonds character is that he is courageous and fearless, this can be evidenced by the fact that, during his time at University of Geneva, he led a team of fellow students to an expedition to the same mountain where his parent perished, and he never told his friends about the tragic association with this mountain. As a healthy and vibrant individual, he is inclined to propelling himself to the very limit, both physicall y and mentally. Analyzing his personal life when on and off duty, his character presents him as an individual who loves to keep it to himself, compared to a psychopath, Bond is simple, respective and lethal when provoked. Hence, this could be the principal reason that propels him to spend his time in his flat. So does that qualify him to be illustrated as a psychopath? Actually no. Under the aspects of Hare scale Bonds traits can be said to be either zero or below three, this can be linked to the fact that, at some cases he is depicted as extremely aggressive, while in other instances he is illustrated as a composed and humble individual .despite his social anomalies such as addiction to whiskies as well as his tendency to heavy smoking, I do assume that, Bond is normal, and more so his personal life do not fall within the scope of him being branded as psychopath (Hare,1993).   According to On Her Majestys Secret Service film, he is painted as a man who loves to have a series of simple and meaningless relationships with several but dissimilar women, who he discards the minute the develop to be a cause of inconvenience

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Research Paper on Fast Food Essay Example for Free

Research Paper on Fast Food Essay 1. 1 INTRODUCTION Fast food is generally food or a meal which is pre-prepared, or which can be quickly cooked when you order it. You can buy fast food almost anywhere. Although fast food trend is quite new in Pakistan yet it is growing very fast, this indicate that such type of fast food restaurant have a very bright future in Pakistan . The two major fast food restaurants that have their outlets in the whole world, are giving tough competition to each other in Pakistan. Our research is based on the hypothesis that why people in Pakistan prefer KFC over Macdonald and we found that due to good quality and taste of food people prefer KFC . When KFC was introduced in Pakistan the prices was not affordable by people but now they have lower their prices. One reason was also the impressive packages due to which people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. While conducting our research we also came to know that KFC is more advertised this is one of the reasons that people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. We are going to discuss all of this in our research. 1. 2 HYPOTHESIS KFC is a spot light and McDonald’s is a side show. 1. 3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The trend of fast food is increasing day by day in Pakistan, this research is designed to generate knowledge about fast food restaurant in Pakistan, and hence this research is based upon two leading fast food brands in Pakistan. The main objective is to know that which brand is popular among majority. Which among the two brands is of higher quality. Which brand is more economical . Hence in general we conducted this research because we wanted to know that which brand is preferred and what is the reason behind it. 1. 4 SAMPLING In sampling plan we draw sample, sample is basically a segment of the population selected for research to represent the population as a whole. In our research we targeted people from 18 to 30 . So we approached people who visit KFC and McDonald’s . Our sample size is 40 from the whole population . Our research instrument for collecting primary data is Questionnaire in which we ask twenty questions, all are close ended for accessing people’s preference. 1. 5 METHODOLOGY The empirical analysis of the â€Å"International fast food chains in Pakistan† was based on the primary data collected through personal observations by visiting KFC and McDonald’s located in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The data were collected by filling questionnaire during rush hours in the afternoon between 12:00 noon to 2:00 p. m. In all, 40 customers were accounted for during the survey time period in KFC and McDonald’s. The data were collected during the first week of January 2010. 1. 6 LITERATURE REVIEW First we will take into account the history of KFC. The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, though the idea of KFCs fried chicken actually goes back to 1930. The company adopted the abbreviated form of its name in 1991. Perfecting its secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices in 1939, KFC has come a long way. With over 10,000 outlets in the world, KFC has maintained its title, for the last 60 years, of being the chicken Experts. Now we will discuss the history of McDonald . At one time it was the largest global restaurant chain, but it has since been surpassed by multi-brand operator, in the competitor KFC is on top of the list. The business began in 1940, with a restaurant opened by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. The present corporation dates its founding to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc, in Des Plaines, Illinois, on April 15, 1955. Now McDonalds is present in 120 countries with about 32000 outlets. Market entry in Pakistan was not a big problem for KFC as it is a well-known international brand. In that stage they did promoted through their own brand. Their promotion statement was â€Å"KFC in Pakistan†. Opening the first KFC outlet in Gulshan-e- Iqbal in 1997. KFC wore the title of being the market leader in its industry. Serving delicious and hygienic food in a relaxing environment made KFC everyone’s favorite. Since then, KFC has been constantly introducing new products and opening new restaurants for its customers. Presently KFC is branched out in nine major cities of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sukkur Muree) with more than 45 outlets nation-wide. Apart from fulfilling our commitment of serving delicious, fresh and hygienic food and at the same time providing our customer with the ultimate entertainment; KFC also plays in the economics development of our country. Presently KFC has provided to over 1200 Pakistanis, which adds up to 6000 individuals directly dependent in KFC Pakistan. In introduction stage KFC entered the market using market-skimming strategy. Their products were high price and targeted only upper class. Later they introduced packages which were affordable by many people. McDonalds Pakistan opened its doors in September 1998 at Lahore and presently operating in seven major cities with a network of 20 restaurants. With a strong belief in the Ray Krock phrase when you are green you are growing, McDonalds Pakistan has an aggressive plan to expand in all other cities of Pakistan and is rapidly growing with the focus to provide friendly and quick service restaurant experience to their customers. Today millions of Pakistanis place their trust in McDonalds everyday to provide them with food of a very high standard as well as good service. In the past five years, the response to McDonald’s coming to Pakistan has been overwhelming. McDonald’s located in Pakistan are currently employing about 1,000 Pakistanis and each store is managed by Pakistani managers. They have also contributed in other ways than food service. McDonalds has investment of over Rs 300 crore in the country and payment of taxes and duties amounting to more than Rs 100 crore. Since McDonald’s is doing so well in Pakistan they will continue to grow and add more stores in more cities in the future. But in Pakistan McDonald’s is facing a tough competition by KFC. KFC and McDonald’s serve to dominate the fast food business in Pakistan. Both fast food chains serve all their customers effectively, given the different categories and factors that determine the success of restaurants and fast food chains in Pakistan. However, based on the findings of the previous research, it can be perceived that KFC is running a more successful business in Pakistan, compared to the business run by McDonald’s. This was given proof in the article, based on the many and varied responses of customers to surveys, which involve their evaluation of both fast food restaurants, based on a number of factors, namely, food, service, environment, price, convenience, brand, and promotion. In terms of food, although both fast food restaurants almost have the same varieties, certain differences can still be recognized. Both KFC and McDonald’s offer chicken and hamburger meals including snacks, desserts, and drinks. However, only KFC offers a wide range of healthy side dishes, such as mashed potato, carrot muffin, and lotus fresh vegetable side dishes. In this sense, KFC aims to uphold healthy eating and nutrition of their customers. In addition, it has been emphasized in the case study that KFC appeared to have the upper hand over McDonald’s in terms of introducing new products in the market. Most of the new products of KFC, such as its lunch items, suit the tastes of the Pakistani. KFC has also been introducing new products in the market in a regular rate. In terms of environment and service, although both fast food restaurants appeal to their market due to their convenient lighting, cleanliness, music, and decorations, still, KFC serves to have the upper hand over McDonald’s. Based on the survey, more customers are â€Å"Very Satisfied† with the services and environment of KFC over McDonald’s. This is because the waiting time in McDonald’s is too long, compared to KFC. In addition, it can also be perceived that KFC has more advantage than McDonald’s, as the employees in KFC have less time to interact with customers than its counterpart, as the volume of its business is larger. The prices of food offered by both restaurants equally serve each other. However, the food offered by KFC is slightly higher, being able to offer some meals that are not offered by McDonald’s, such as the Family Bucket, Garden Chicken Burger Meal, and Hot Spicy Wing Meal. Nevertheless, the volume of customers in all given times of day, in both weekdays and weekends is still higher in KFC than in McDonald’s. Given such figures, it can be perceived that more customers prefer KFC to McDonald’s, thus, indicative of the fact that KFC runs a more successful business than its counterpart does. Moreover, the findings of the study indicate â€Å"More low income and high income customers prefer KFC to McDonald’s, while average income customers prefer McDonald’s more than KFC† In this sense, it can be observed that KFC has a wider range of customers compared to McDonald’s, thus, indicating that more customers patronizes KFC. Furthermore, for the finale, the proof that KFC is running a more successful business than McDonald’s is indicated that not just in Pakistan KFC has an upper hand but in all over the world. 1. 7 DELIMITATIONS. The problem which we faced while conducting our research are firstly the people were not very co operative in order to fill our questionnaire and we have to convince them. Another problem was that people were hesitating to fill our questionnaire. 1. 8 DATA COLLECTION Q1) What is your age group? As we have taken our sample between 18-32. So the people who have filled the form have age between 18 to 32. Q2) What is the reason of eating fast food? Q3) How often do you use fast-food services? Q4) What’s your favorite fast food place? Q5) Rate the fast food you have visited the most? (3 being high and 1 being low). Q6) Which one is your favorite meal? Q7) What fast food restaurants do you think is most advertised? Q8) Which fast food chain is in your opinion is more healthy? Q 9) How favorable is your attitude towards the fast food brands you have eaten? (3 being high and 1 being low) Q10) How well the following brands satisfy your needs? (3 being high and 1 being low) Q11) Which brand packaging has an attractive look? (3 being high and 1 being low) Q12) Which fast food restaurant has an eye-catching outlook? Q13) Which brand do you think bring pleasant memory? (3 being high and being low) Q14) Which brand do you think earns pleasant money? Q15) On Average how much would you expect to pay for a fast food meal? Q16) Apart from food which place is more enjoyable? Q17) Which fast food restaurant is more accessible? Q18) Which brand offer deals which have attractive prices? Q19) If you owned your own fast food restaurant, then which fast food restaurant attribute you want to follow-up? 20) Do you think the future of international fast-food chains in Pakistan is bright? 1. 9 DATA ANALYSIS Q1) What is your age group? As we have taken our sample between 18-32. So the people who have filled the form have age between 18 to 32. Q2) what is the reason of eating fast food? The main reason that people eat at fast food restaurants is because they like the taste. Customer wouldnt keep coming back to a restaurant if the taste of food does not satisfy their tongue. As pie graph shows that 82% prefer taste, 13% prefer convenience and 5% price, hence price and convenience element occupies a very small part of it, only the good taste allows and agree people to spend their money on food. Q3) How often do you use fast-food services? 54% visit once a month 12% visit once a year and once a week. 17% twice a week and 5% visit other time. It looks like most of the people go out and eat fast food once a month. In a close second place people visit fast food restaurants twice a week. So pie graph result shows that people like to eat fast food, but just at different interval of time. Q4) What’s your favorite fast food place? There are tons of different fast food restaurants around the world, but we narrowed down the choices to McDonalds and KFC. According to the people’s choice 80% people like KFC while only 20% McDonald’s. KFC dominates over McDonald’s, other questions also represent that people are more likely towards KFC services. Q5) Rate the fast food you have visited the most? (3 being high and 1 being low) 62%of the people prefer to visit KFC while only 15% prefer McDonald’s. KFC are the first movers of fast food restaurant in Pakistan hence they have first mover advantage. They were the pioneer of fast food in Pakistan. The position of KFC in the mind of people is very strong. Q6) Which one is your favorite meal? We gave various choices of food offered by both restaurants. We restrict people only to choose one food item which is one of their most favorite According to the result 52% people like KFC chicken and 43%burger and 5% salad. While McDonald’s salads were liked by 45%, 30% burger and 25% chicken pieces. Q7) What fast food restaurants do you think is most advertised? The survey shows a slight difference between the advertisements of both restaurants. As they are leading fast food restaurants in Pakistan so they advertised almost equally to make their roots strong in promoting their service. According to the data 57% people think KFC is more advertised and 43% found McDonald’s is more advertised. Q8) Which fast food chain is in your opinion is more healthy? 67% people think that KFC is healthier. People have positive approach towards KFC because KFC food has less chronic health risks because its meal involves appropriate amount of nutrients. Q9) How favorable is your attitude towards the fast food brands you have eaten? (3 being high and 1 being low) 55% people rated KFC at 3 place, 37% people at second and 8% people at first place. But MacDonald’s result differ 13% people rated KFC at 3 place, 37% people at second and 50% people at first place. As results undoubtedly shows the people have favorable attitude towards KFC. Q10) How well the following brands satisfy your needs? (3 being high and 1 being low) 50% people are fully satisfied with KFC, 40% people satisfied and 10% people are just satisfied. But MacDonald’s result differ 15% people are fully satisfied, 35% people are satisfied and 50% people are just satisfied. Q11) Which brand packaging has an attractive look? (3 being high and 1 being low) In brand packaging McDonald’s took prize over KFC. The surveys result shows that 62%people like McDonald’s packaging style while only 27% people like KFC packaging style. Q12) Which fast food restaurant has an eye-catching outlook? Although in other aspects KFC has surpass McDonald’s but when it comes to the outlook of the restaurant 63% people like the outlook of McDonald’s and only 37% people rated KFC. Q13) Which brand do you think bring pleasant memory? (3 being high and being low) Pleasant memory associated with good environment of the place and taste of the food. After analysis it was found that 60% people’s pleasant memory is associated with KFC. 32% people have KFC. 8% do not have as much pleasant memories as others. Q14) Which brand do you think earns pleasant money? 55% people views show that KFC earns pleasant money. And in a close second place 45%rated McDonald’s. Q15) On Average how much would you expect to pay for a fast food meal? 55% people expect to pay an amount of at least Rs. 500 on fast food meal. 30% agreed on paying Rs. 1000 while only 15% want to spend Rs. 1500. Q16) Apart from food which place is more enjoyable? The popularity of any restaurant is just not dependent upon the taste and price of food but it also depend upon the enjoyable environment which include play area for kids, happy meal and gifts. 52% people consider McDonald’s is more enjoyable but 48% people like the environment of KFC. Q17) Which fast food restaurant is more accessible? The result of this question shows an even split among both options. The increasing trend of fast food leads both restaurant branches to multiply in order to make them easy to get to. 53% people think KFC is more accessible while 47% think that McDonald’s is more accessible. Q18) Which brand offer deals which have attractive prices? The higher percentage of people found the prices of KFC more attractive than McDonald’s. According to the data 55% people found prices of KFC affordable and attractive. While that of 45% found McDonald’s prices smart. Q19) If you owned your own fast food restaurant, then which fast food restaurant Attribute you want to follow-up? The majority results show that KFC has won the race in our fast food survey. It is found that KFC fulfill the needs of its customers to some extent, so considering KFC as their ideal people would like to follow the success tracks of KFC in order to have bright future of their restaurant ahead. 75% people like to follow the attributes of KFC for their own restaurant and only 25% consider McDonald’s as their ideal. Q20) Do you think the future of International fast food chains in Pakistan is bright? Based on people answers, 85%agreed with the statement that the future of international fast-food chains in Pakistan is bright, 5% were not agreed on bright future and 10% people have no idea about this. With todays hectic lifestyles, time-saving products are increasingly in demand; one of the most obvious examples is fast food. People want quick and convenient meals as a result, consumers rely on fast food . Knowing this, fast food providers are coming up with new ways to market their products that save time for consumers. All that make sense though because that is what fast food is supposed to meancheap, fast, and tasty. 1. 10 CONCLUSION The conclusion we have drawn after conducting our research is that the problem statement which we consider in our research is confirmed . Our hypothesis that KFC is in spotlight and McDonald’s is a side show was right and people prefer KFC over McDonald’s because of their good quality food and their reasonable price, hence KFC capture a large market than McDonald’s in Pakistan. 1. 11 RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTION After conducting our research we come to a point that about 80% people prefer KFC over McDonald’s here are some suggestions and recommendations to both the brands. Based on our research we suggest that McDonald’s should improve the quality of their food because majority of people found McDonald’s a less healthy option. It was also found that Macdonald’s satisfies the need of people to lesser extent, so McDonald’s should try hard to make up to the expectations of people. It was found by our research that although people prefer KFC over McDonald’s but they found the packing of McDonald’s more attractive than that of KFC, so KFC should work on their packing and make it more attractive. When it comes to outlook of the restaurant, majority of people like the outlook of KFC, so McDonald’s should improve their outlook. It was also found that KFC is better advertised; hence McDonald’s should work to promote their brand in order to capture a large volume of customer. Pakistan is a price sensitive market for many items and competition is intense, so McDonald’s should maintain their price packages. REFERENCES ? 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